Most recent Discovery grants and graduate student awards
support innovation and scientific exploration in wide range of
Whether it is for research into clean energy sources, the future
of wireless communication or a better understanding of the
processes involved in language learning, over 160 established
McGill researchers and more than 80 graduate students will benefit
from support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada (NSERC) over the next five years.
The results of the 2012 competition for NSERC’s Discovery
Grants,Discovery Accelerator Supplements, Alexander Graham Bell
Canada Graduate Scholarships, NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships, and
Postdoctoral Fellowships were recently announced and details can be
found here.
“Through these programs, NSERC provides direct support to an
exceptionally strong base of scientific and creative talent in
every field of the natural sciences and engineering,” said
Dr.Fortier. “Our scholarships and fellowships programs help us
recruit and retain the bright young minds that will lead the next
generation of Canadian discoverers and innovators. The flexibility
and broad base of research supported by our internationally
recognized Discovery Grants Program maintains our capacity to
promote important breakthroughs.”