Artificial intelligence-related research has tremendous potential to become useful in practical, everyday applications and to dramatically increase productivity. The field has been developing rapidly in recent years and is expected to really start taking off in the near future. A few of the cool things happening on the cutting edge in AI are highlighted below.
AI Crossword App Could Help Machines Understand Language
Researchers have designed a web-based platform that uses artificial neural networks to answer standard crossword clues better than existing commercial products specifically designed for the task. The system, which is freely available online, could help machines understand language more effectively.
What AI can tell Us about the U.S. Supreme Court
How the U.S. Supreme Court’s nine justices vote in a case is a reflection of judicial temperament, personal philosophy and political ideology. As public attention focuses on the court in the wake of the death of Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, we offer a way for artificial intelligence to provide some insight. We propose a way to model the Supreme Court using computer-based machine learning.
$5 Million AI Competition launched by X Prize and IBM
A new cognitive computing competition, The IBM Watson AI XPRIZE, was announced at TED2016. The $5 million challenge to teams worldwide calls for them to develop and demonstrate how humans can collaborate with powerful cognitive technologies. Each year, from now until TED2020, participating teams will go head-to-head at World of Watson to compete for prizes and the opportunity to advance. Three finalist teams will take the TED stage.
Mapping Science: How AI is Helping Experts Forge a Path of Innovation
In the digital age, data is the new aether. Everything in modern life is surrounded and connected by data, and artificial intelligence has become the medium through which to tap into that invisible aether and enable it to guide and enrich our lives. Soon AI will quite literally drive our lives forward. For scientists, AI is rapidly becoming a key tool for data analysis, enabling the impossible.
Why Big Tech Companies are Open-sourcing their AI Systems
The world’s biggest technology companies are handing over the keys to their success, making their artificial intelligence systems open-source. Traditionally, source code was proprietary, kept from public view. Opening source material in computer science is a big deal, because the more people that look at code, the more likely it is that bugs and long-term opportunities and risks can be worked out.
Moonshot Brain Studies push Computer Science Boundaries, bring AI Closer to Reality
Researchers have been awarded over $28 million to develop advanced machine learning algorithms by pushing the frontiers of neuroscience. The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity funds large-scale programs that address the most difficult challenges facing the intelligence community. IARPA’s challenge: figure out why brains are so good at learning, and use that information to design computer systems…
AI solves SAT Geometry Questions as well as Average Human
Researchers have created an artificial intelligence system that can solve SAT geometry questions as well as the average American 11th-grade student, a breakthrough in AI research. This system, called GeoS, uses a combination of computer vision to interpret diagrams, natural language processing to read and understand text and a geometric solver to achieve 49 percent accuracy on official SAT test questions.
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