Today’s largest computing systems are tackling high-performance challenges that may involve hundreds of terabytes, or even petabytes of data. In the “Big Data and Beyond” issue of HPC Source, we look at the increase in data magnitude beyond traditional storage, tools and systems capabilities that has taken place over the last 10 years and examine some of the applications and infrastructure that are needed to support today’s data-intensive challenges.
In “Big Money for Big Data,” HPC expert Rob Farber talks about the fierce competition to support the analysis and management of big dataand discusses howresearch organizations around the world are working to reduce the time to solution of big data problems through the use of scalable computational techniques for massively parallel computers.
Eyal Gutkind of the HPC Advisory Council and Mellanox Technologies looks at “The High Performance Computing Approach to Hadoop Deployment,” and provides a glance into technologies and approaches to help current users of the Hadoop framework, the dominant big data application, to deploy big data clusters.
As high performance computing comes to the life sciences, future generations will be armed with nearly unimaginable computing power. Science and technology writer Caitlin Smith takes a detailed look at “How HPC Can Power Up Bioscience” and what’s in store for future generations of biologists.
Science and technology writer Mike Martin details the importance of a “Big Data/Social Media Combo Poised to Advance Healthcare,” providing insight into how the Abzooba distillation pipeline extracts medically significant information from social media and some of the data processing complexities it presents.
I hope you enjoy the issue and invite you to pass it along to colleagues who also may find it valuable.