The ACD/ChemAnalytical Workbook application on the ACD/Spectrus Platform provides an all-in-one experiment, workflow and data management tool for scientists that use multiple analytical techniques in a problem-solving capacity, in industries including coatings, lubricants, fragrances, forensics, petrochemicals, food and formulated healthcare products. For scientists working with formulated products and complex mixtures, the workbook enables accelerated decision-making, reporting and knowledge transfer through the storage, searching and re-use of live spectral and chromatographic data with interpretation knowledge. As part of unified laboratory intelligence (ULI), the software provides a homogeneous environment for processing and interpreting multi-technique analytical data (LC/MS, GC/MS, UV, Raman, NMR, and more). Integration with ELNs, archives and LIMS enhances the existing cheminformatics landscape.