a pioneer in micro-electrical mechanical systems (MEMS)-based timing
solutions based in San Jose, Calif., has entered into a distribution
deal with Avnet Electronics Marketing Americas, an operating group of
distributes computer products, electronic components and embedded
technology to customers in over 70 nations. Discera’s MEMS-based timing
solutions offer a broad temperate range and more features when compared
to standard quartz products. The company’s comprehensive portfolio of
oscillator products uses its proprietary PureSilicon technology. These
MEMS oscillators tackle the power, size and performance necessities of
the communication, industrial, enterprise and consumer markets.
deal is intended to expand Discera’s presence across the Americas with
Avnet’s extensive distribution network. According to the company, its
PureSilicon MEMS oscillators deliver higher reliability, shorter lead
times and superior performance when compared to quartz-based products.