The DDN EXAScaler 7000 (ES7K) is an entry-level, turnkey Lustre storage appliance that leverages Lustre 2.5 pre-installed and fully optimized for the appliance. It delivers enterprise-level features, including simple management and monitoring interfaces, and HPC-level performance that optimizes both mixed and parallel I/O performance. Built specifically for organizations with data-intensive, high-performance storage requirements, the appliance scales out to deliver storage performance density with a broad feature set and the flexibility of open source. It starts at tens of terabytes and scales to nearly a petabyte of capacity by leveraging the highest density per rack unit for optimal efficiency, and also starts with the smallest configuration and scales non-disruptively with additional ES7K building blocks. Configuration and deployment optimization features, integration with drive-to-file system monitoring, and metadata convergence options support migrating an application or an entire workflow to Lustre.