E5000 NAS Storage Systems
The E5000 Family of NAS storage systems, the E5110 and the E5310, utilize the revolutionary FASTier cache, which utilizes multiple SSD technologies that work transparently to boost performance for random I/O workloads including applications that are run on top of virtualized computing environments such as VMware, Xen and Hyper-V. The E5110 provides a highly available NAS system with 8TB to 62TB of capacity in 3U to 6U of rack space. The E5310 is a 3U high availability NAS head which leverages the industry-leading storage density, power efficiency, and enterprise-class reliability of the E-Series block storage systems to provide 9TB to 720TB of storage in just 19U of rack space. Powerful yet easy to use features include reservation-less snapshots, replication, quotas, AD and LDAP integration, and thin provisioning.