marine Mammal, Michelle (Lemon) Blewitt PhD Marine Environmental Research Consultant, David Donnelly Marine The team of Marine Mammal, established in 2006, is passionate about the marine environment. The objective of MMR is to conduct sound scientific research on marine mammals & to educate the public about these ‘charismatic megafauna’ & the environment in which they live. Previous research has investigated the vocal & non-vocal behaviour of dolphins in Jervis Bay & the effects of recreational boats on these animals. The results from this study have contributed to the management of this population of dolphins & other inshore delphinids within areas of New South Wales.
Currently, we are investigating the marine biodiversity of the Sapphire Coast region of southern New South Wales, with a strong focus on cetaceans. Our aim for the future is to continue scientific research & educate the public through community presentations; with the intention of raising awareness for the conservation of marine mammals & the environment.
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