from Purdue University has reproduced portions of the female breast in a
tiny slide-sized model dubbed “breast on-a-chip” that will be used to
test nanoparticle-based approaches for the detection and treatment of
breast cancer. The model mimics the branching mammary duct system, where
most breast cancers begin, and will serve as an “engineered organ” to
study the use of nanoparticles to detect and target tumor cells within
the ducts.
Lelièvre and James Leary led the team of investigators that created the
breast-on-a-chip model. The details of their work appear in the journal
Integrative Biology.
known that the best way to detect this cancer early and treat it
effectively would be to get inside the mammary ducts to evaluate and
treat the cells directly, and this is the first step in that direction,”
said Dr. Lelièvre. The ultimate goal of this project is to introduce
magnetic nanoparticles through openings in the nipple, use a magnetic
field to guide them through the ducts where they would attach to cancer
cells, and then reverse the magnetic field to retract any excess
nanoparticles. The nanoparticles could carry contrast agents to improve
mammography, fluorescent markers to guide surgeons, or anticancer agents
to treat the cancer, Dr. Leary said.
have tried to access the mammary ducts through the nipple in the past,
injecting fluid solutions to try to wash out cells that could be
examined and used for a diagnosis of cancer. However, this approach
could only reach the first third of the breast due to fluid pressure
from the ducts, which branch and become smaller and smaller as they
approach the glands that produce milk, Dr. Leary said. “The idea is that
nanoparticles with a magnetic core can float through the naturally
occurring fluid in the ducts and be pulled by a magnet as opposed to
being pushed with pressure,” he said. “We think they could reach all the
way to the back of the ducts, where it is believed most breast cancers
originate. Of course, we are only at the earliest stages and many tests
need to be done.”
tests could not be done using standard models that grow cells across a
flat surface in a plastic dish, so the team created the artificial
organ-like model in which living cells line a three-dimensional replica
of the smallest portions of the mammary ducts. Dr. Leary’s group used
standard lithographic techniques to build a mold of branching channels
out of a rubberlike material called polydimethylsiloxane. The channels
are about 5 millimeters long of various diameters from 20 microns to 100
microns, roughly the diameter of a human hair, that match what is found
near the end of the mammary duct system. Then, Dr. Lelièvre, whose
group is one of the few in the world able to successfully grow the
complicated cells that line the mammary ducts, coaxed the cells to grow
within the mold and behave as they would within a real human breast.
cells within the breast ductal system have a very specific organization
that has proven difficult to obtain in a laboratory,” Dr. Lelièvre
said. “The cells have different sides, and one side must face the wall
of the duct and the other must face the inner channel. Reproducing this
behavior is very challenging, and it had never been achieved on an
artificial structure before.”
team coated the mold in a protein-based substance called laminin 111 as
a foundation for the cells that allows them to attach to the mold and
behave as they would inside the body, Dr. Lelièvre said. And because
injecting the delicate cells into the finished channels of the mold
caused too much damage, the team created a removable top for the
channels. “The design of the U-shaped channels and top was necessary for
us to be able to successfully apply the cells, but it also allows us to
make changes quickly and easily for different tests,” she explained.
“We can easily introduce changes among the cells or insert a few tumor
cells to test the abilities of the nanoparticles to recognize them. The
design also makes it very easy to evaluate the results as the entire
model fits under a microscope.”
SOURCE: Purdue University