Furthermore, the Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB), an independent committee of experts who monitor safety data every six months during the study, met as scheduled and recommended pursuing the RHEIA-VAC study as planned.
Benedikt Timmerman, the founder and CEO of Genticel, said: “We are very satisfied with the progress of the study and with the involvement of our investigators, whose motivation has largely contributed to this progress. At this rate, we shall have completed all of our patient recruitment as projected, by the first semester of 2015.”
RHEIA-VAC (Research on HPV Eradication In Adults by VACcination) is a Phase 2 study of the ProCervix therapeutic vaccine. ProCervix is used for HPV 16 and/or 18 infected women, who have normal cervix cytology or ASCUS/LSIL (mild cervical cellular dyskaryosis). RHEAIA-VAC is a double-blinded, randomized and placebo-controlled efficacy study. Viral clearance at 12 months is the primary endpoint. In a previous Phase 1 study, ProCervix showed a favorable safety and tolerability profile.
Date: July 10, 2014
Source: Genticel