Manmade sulfur dioxide emissions by country show a decline by the historically large emitters—Europe and the US—but increases in growing economies up to 2005. Credit: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. |
A new analysis of sulfur emissions appearing in the
journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
shows that after declining for a decade, worldwide emissions rose again in 2000
due largely to international shipping and a growing Chinese economy. An
accurate read on sulfur emissions will help researchers predict future changes
in climate and determine present day effects on the atmosphere, health, and the
“Sulfur dioxide is an important component of the
atmosphere. It changes the radiative balance of the earth by influencing the
amount of the sun’s energy that warms the globe. We need to understand how much
sulfur dioxide is emitted, and when and where it is emitted. This study will
help us do that,” said lead author Steven Smith of the Joint Global Change
Research Institute in College Park, Md., a collaboration between the Department
of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Wash., and the Univ.
of Maryland.
Unlike similar studies, the new analysis also provides an
estimate of how accurate this study’s emissions tally is. Referred to as
“uncertainty,” the accuracy estimate arises from difficulties
inherent in tracking sulfur. This study estimates that actual emissions for
recent decades lie within 10% of the average global emissions reported by Smith
and his colleagues. Regional values could potentially be off by a much higher
degree—up to 30% in China,
for example.
“The regional uncertainty can be moderately high,
but the global numbers are much more accurate,” Smith said.
“Understanding the uncertainty will help us determine how sensitive the
earth’s atmosphere and land are to changes in sulfur content.”
Surreptitious sulfur
The Industrial Age ushered in widespread combustion activities that spew sulfur
into the atmosphere. Sulfur dioxide has the potential to acidify rain, soil and
lakes, and it can counteract some of the warming effect of carbon dioxide,
making it an important component of the environment to understand.
Sulfur’s climate role is complicated. In the air, it can
form tiny particles called aerosols, creating new ones or building up old ones.
Aerosol particles help form cloud drops, potentially changing rainfall amounts
as well as affecting the acidity of the raindrops. Both clouds and the aerosols
themselves reflect sunlight, reducing the amount of energy absorbed by the
To determine how much sulfur has been emitted between the
approximate beginning of the Industrial Age, 1850, and 2005, Smith and
colleagues analyzed data about sulfur-emitting activities such as coal burning,
copper smelting, or the use of petroleum. The data came from more than 140
countries and went back as far as the 1800s, when publications even at that
time tallied how much coal and copper were produced.
The team collected the datasets, evaluated the quality of
the records and plotted the data over time, breaking them down by region,
source—such as coal or oil burning—and economic use such as heating or cooking,
power production, and others.
The team estimated emissions data both by calculating
sulfur release based on how much was contained in sources as well as from
actual data on emissions collected from modern power plants. In the United States,
government agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the
Department of Energy collect such data.
Sulfur’s story
The factors that determine total emissions are the amount of fuel consumed, its
sulfur content, and any pollution controls employed. The team found that
manmade sources of sulfur emissions eclipsed natural sources by 1870, two
decades after the start date of this analysis. By the year 2000, however,
refineries were removing half the sulfur from crude oil, reducing emissions,
the researchers estimated.
Since 1980, the fraction of sulfur coming from petroleum—50%—and
coal—30%—has remained constant. In a reflection of desires for cleaner fuels,
emissions as a fraction of fuel consumption began decreasing around 1970, due
to shifting to lower sulfur fuel sources, different end uses, and emissions
Total global emissions rose dramatically from 1850 to the
1960s, plateaued and then decreased after 1990, and then started rising again
in 2000. Although the contribution from major emitters of the past—North America and Europe—has
been declining since the 1970s, sulfur emissions are rising in much of the rest
of the world. Especially noteworthy is China with its phenomenal growth.
By 2005, China’s
share of sulfur emissions came in at 28% of the global total, up from about 2%
in 1950.
The international shipping industry generally uses a
lower quality, higher sulfur content fuel than other transportation modes, and
emissions from this activity have been growing in importance. They now
constitute 10% of the global total. Although rising during the study’s time
frame, a recent international agreement referred to as MARPOL promises to
dramatically reduce these emissions in future years.
“Emissions from international shipping have not gone
unnoticed,” said Smith.
Up and coming
Although there is no central repository or process to keep this kind of
information up-to-date, Smith reports that this data is being used by other
researchers from climate modelers to social scientists. An earlier version of
the data has already been used in models that are exploring possible futures of
global climate, results that will be used in the next assessment by the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
In addition, Smith is curious to see recent
emissions data from China,
the largest sulfur emitter in the world. “The most recent numbers in this
study are from 2005, six years ago,” said Smith. “Since this data was
collected, China’s
emissions-control efforts have gotten much stronger. In China, the government is well aware
of the impacts of sulfur emissions on health and ecosystems, and they’ve
started to control them.”