IDC is inviting members of the HPC community to attend the next HPC User Forum, “Emerging Trends in HPC,” to be held at Loews Ventana Canyon Hotel in Tucson, Arizona on April 29 to May 1, 2013.
The HPC User Forum was established in 1999 to promote the health of the global HPC industry and address issues of common concern to users. The organization has grown to 150 members. It is directed by a volunteer Steering Committee of HPC users from government, industry and academia, and is operated for the users by market analyst firm IDC.
Meeting presentations at the 49th HPC User Forum will include
• Vendor technology Updates
• Brief introductions by end-user sites
• The Skies Above: Aerospace, Astrophysics and Astronomy
• Engineering for the Mars Science Laboratory, Robert Manning, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
• IDC HPC Market Update, Earl Joseph, Steve Conway and Chirag Dekate
• Panel: What are the HPC trends in Aerospace, Astrophysics and Astronomy? NASA, JPL, NRL, Tecplot, Gulfstream, ORNL, Vendors
• HPC User Site Update: Energetic Materials, William Mattson, Aberdeen Proving Grounds/US Army
• Big Data in HPC Use Cases
• Special Dinner Event at Pima Air & Space Museum
• Technology Topic #1: Processors, Coprocessors and Accelerators
• Panel Discussion: Processors, Coprocessors and Accelerators
• Disruptive Technologies Panel — Panelists will briefly present potentially disruptive technologies; System vendors: IBM, HP, Dell, Cray, Dell, SGI; Processor vendors: Intel, AMD, Nvidia, IBM, ARM
• What Industry Requires to Move Their Science and R&D Forward, Merle Giles, NCSA
• Technology Topic #2: Advanced Visualization
• Measuring and Calculating ROI in HPC – A Crucial Trend. Discussion led by IDC
• Special Keynote: To Be Announced
Scientific Computing is a media sponsor of the HPC User Forums.
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