Media Cybernetics announced the Image-Pro Premier, an image-processing and analysis software package. Image-Pro Premier represents a significant expansion of earlier Image-Pro software packages. The Image-Pro Premier package provides intuitive tools that now make it easier than ever to capture, process, enhance, measure, compare, analyze, automate, and share images and valuable data.
Premier offers both 64- and 32-bit support, intuitive macros and app building tools, new and improved ways to automatically segment, classify, and measure objects, and an extensive set of easy-to-use tools for customizing workflow.
Image-Pro Premier accelerates the pace of life science and industrial analysis, enabling users to acquire either rapid events or experiments that last for longer periods of time. The software is not only able to utilize the memory (RAM) available on the host computer, it can also stream multi-gigabyte movies directly to the hard drive. Multiresolution files, including Aperio (.svs) and BigTIFF (.btf), are supported by the new package, too.
In addition, image processing steps can be applied to all opened images or entire folders of images via the software’s easy-to-use Batch Processing tools. The Smart Segmentation tool, meanwhile, can be utilized to identify and segment challenging images that have faintly colored objects, textured objects, and uneven backgrounds.
Macros and apps are easy to edit with Image-Pro Premier’s new graphical drag-and-drop editing interface. The code-based editing tools can be utilized to test, edit, and debug scripts. Image-Pro Premier’s custom apps allow easy design of step-by-step workflows to guide users through their image analysis processes. Users can download apps from the Media Cybernetics Solutions Zone website or choose to develop and package their own to share with colleagues.
Image-Pro Premier is ideal for life science applications such as brightfield microscopy, cell biology, fluorescence imaging, and marine biology, as well as for industrial applications such as automotive manufacturing, forensics, pharmaceutical development, and semiconductors.