Intel Corporation unveiled its first eight-core desktop processor, the Intel Core i7-5960X processor Extreme Edition, formerly code-named “Haswell-E,” targeted at power users who demand the most from their PCs. Intel’s first client processor supports 16 computing threads. The new enhanced Intel X99 Chipset and robust overclocking capabilities will allow enthusiasts to tune their systems for maximum performance. Intel has been working with industry partners to take advantage of this new platform. Key OEMs, memory vendors, motherboard vendors and graphics partners will help grow this enthusiast ecosystem. Many of these new platforms based on the X99 Chipset are also Thunderbolt Ready. When paired with a Thunderbolt 2 add-in card, this enables a blazing-fast connection to your PC at 20 Gbps. Data intensive tasks such as 4K video editing, 3-D rendering and game development all strongly benefit from the performance of Thunderbolt 2.