When the global high performance computing community convenes each June at the International Supercomputing Conference in Germany, a major draw is the presentation of views from around the world. And ISC’12 continues in this vein with four keynote speakers representing industry, research institutions and academia.
ISC’12, the 27th conference in the series, will be held June 17-21, 2012, in Hamburg, Germany. This year’s conference is expected to draw 2,400 attendees from academia, research institutions and industry around the world. An estimated 160 leading organizations will showcase their products and research in the ISC exhibition.
Here is the lineup of ISC’12 keynote speakers:
• Guus Dekkers, CIO of EADS and Airbus, will discuss “HPC as Enabler for the Virtualization of Aircraft Development” in the conference keynote address on Monday, June 18. Dekkers notes “It is a long journey from the initial idea towards a flying aircraft” and that, since only a few prototypes are built toward the end of the design process, HPC plays a critical role in modeling the different requirements with which the aircraft needs to comply in order to find the optimal balance amongst environmental, economical, safety, performance and operational parameters.
“Future peta-/exa-flops computer environments are an essential part of this approach, but only one element: At the same time the computing algorithms themselves need to face substantial evolvement in order to contribute to this vision as well. Recent progress in HPC, numerical algorithms and complex integrated simulation systems has shown a clear route to achieve this objective: accurately simulate flying aircraft with interaction of all relevant disciplines on board.”
• Byungse So, Senior Vice President and Head of Memory Product Planning & Application Engineering Team for Samsung, will give the Tuesday keynote talk on “Advanced Memory Technology – #1 Factor for Energy Efficient HPC.” So says that the impact of ever-increasing memory size on system reliability, system performance and energy efficiency has become a critical factor for the entire system. He will share Samsung’s views on technology trends and the company’s vision of the chances and limits of power saving and performance enhancements of viable memory technologies in the next years.
• Thomas Sterling, Professor of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, will give his traditional look at the year past and the year ahead in his Wednesday keynote entitled “HPC Achievement & Impact 2012.”
According to Sterling, “Of particular importance is the transition from multi-core sockets to many-core components and near-term realization of 10 petaflops system performance. Closely monitored will be the science accomplishments enabled by this new generation of petaflops computers and the continued challenges imposed on future HPC systems by increasingly important problem classes, such as dynamic graph problems.”
• Arndt Bode, Director, Leibniz Rechenzentrum and Technische Universität München, will deliver the Thursday keynote presentation on “Extreme Energy Efficiency with SuperMUC.” SuperMUC is the latest high performance general purpose computer system installed at the Leibniz Supercomputer Center of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (LRZ-BAdW) in Munich. SuperMUC is based on the IBM Blade Center System and consists of more than 150,000 Intel Sandybridge cores with over 300 terabytes of memory and around three petaflops peak performance. A special emphasis is on extreme energy efficiency, and this talk will give an overview on the system and the planned developments for energy efficiency.
About ISC’12
Now in its 27th year, ISC is the world’s oldest and one of the most important conferences for the HPC community, offering a five-day technical program with a wide range of expert speakers and exhibits from leading research centers and vendors. A number of events complement the technical program, including Tutorials, Workshops, the Top500 Announcement, Research Paper Sessions, Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) Sessions, a Research Poster Session, a Think Tank Series, Analyst Crossfire, Exhibitor and Start-up Forums, and the popular Hot Seat Sessions in a new format featuring leaders from industry and research centers.
The conference has experienced tremendous growth over the last few years, with an estimated 2,400 participants from around the world expected to convene in Hamburg.
Early bird registration for ISC’12 is now open and, in addition to reduced rates, a number of one-day options for both the program and exhibition are available.
Conference hotel reservations are open. If you are planning to attend ISC’12, reserve your room early for the best choice of Hamburg hotels and rates. Authorized KIT (http://www.kit.de/) is the conference accommodation contractor for ISC’12. To find an accommodation in the price category of your choice, visit: https://www2.kit.de/kithbs/public/scripts/hotels.php?hcid=-1
For more information on the conference, visit http://www.isc-events.com/isc12/