ISys 5.0
ISys 5.0 chemical imaging analysis software provides one software platform that can be used to analyze many different kinds of data on a variety of analytical systems — from basic pre-processing to statistical analyses and pattern recognition algorithms, chemometric tools, and domain (particle) analyses. It features the ability to analyze mapping and imaging data from mid-infrared and Raman platforms, including the near-infrared spectral range. Data from Kaiser, Horiba Jobin-Yvon, Renishaw, Witech, Varian, Thermo, Bruker, PerkinElmer and Chemimage mapping and imaging platforms all can be imported. Files in generic formats such as Grams, Matlab, ENVI, Metamorph, multi-page tiff and ASCII can be accessed. Non-vibrational spectroscopic imaging data platforms, such as EDAX X-ray fluorescence and Horiba Jobin Yvon XGT file formats, can be imported as well.