IDBS offers ScienceLink, a scientific content brokerage platform that delivers licensed data, provides on-demand scientific content from third parties, and extends how scientists use this information in their research tools.
ScienceLink allows scientists to access data, use available information to find results, and reach conclusions. It provides access to a number of external information resources including Elsevier and curated data suppliers, and enables researchers to integrate their internal data with their preferred branded managed content with a single mouse click. By bringing together all relevant information, ScienceLink can improve the process of decision-making, the quality of experimental reports, and the context behind high value intellectual property, the company reports.
ScienceLink is based on a feature of the IDBS E-WorkBook Suite that enables customers to access external sources in chemistry, metabolite, and biological pathways information to support experiments and find results. Via a free plug-in to E-WorkBook, scientists select their preferred internal and licensed data sources and instantly integrate all available knowledge. This selected data is then stored in the notebook to provide added context to conclusions, methods or hypotheses.