The American Society of Mass Spectrometry will host its 56th conference from June 1 to 5 in Denver, Co., with 6,500 scientists expected. The program includes tutorial lectures, plenary lectures, an exhibition oral sessions, poster sessions, and workshops.
Corporate members play an integral part of the conference through exhibits and hospitality suites.
Topics include:
Advances in the Characterization of Glycoproteins
Advances in Top-Down Proteomics
Biomarker Applications in the Clinical Setting
Characterization of Membrane Proteins
Characterizing DNA, RNA, and Adducts
Characterizing Protein-Ligand Interactions with Mass Spectrometry
Discovering Peptide Biomarkers
Disease Protein Biomarker Discovery by Mass Spectrometry
Emerging Mass Spectrometry Techniques in Environmental Analysis
Endogenous Metabolite Profiling
H/D Exchange and Protein Folding
Identification of Reactive Metabolites in Drug Discovery
Increasing LC-MS Sample Throughput for Pharmacokinetic Assays
Label Free Quantitation of Proteins
LC-MS Techniques for Discovering Biomarkers of Toxicity and Efficacy
Lipid Analysis by Mass Spectrometry
Matrix Effects: LC/MS Challenges and Solutions
MS Characterization of Carbohydrates
New Approaches to Metabolomics
New Developments in Bioinformatics
Novel Developments in Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation
Pharmaceutical Drugs as Environmental Pollutants
Protein Quantitation using Labeling
Quantitation of Drug Metabolites
Structural Biology and Biophysics of Nucleic Acids
The Paradigm Shift in Clinical Diagnostics using Mass Spectrometry
The Role of Mass Spectrometry in Understanding Cellular Pathways
Understanding Peptide Fragmentation: Theory and Experiment