NEXXIS Information System
The NEXXIS Information Integration System allows laboratories to use new and existing Excel spreadsheets within a framework that meets with the requirements of FDA Rule 21 CFR Part 11. This benefits laboratories, working in a regulated environment, who currently utilize Excel to perform calculations on data generated in the laboratory. By incorporating their Excel spreadsheets into a NEXXIS method, they are able to implement electronic signature, password protection and audit trail controls over the use of the Excel application. The latest version of NEXXIS is able to run Excel spreadsheets from the server, transferring data to the spreadsheet and reading calculation results back into NEXXIS. During the whole process, the user has no direct access to the spreadsheet or to the Excel application. Results from the Excel spreadsheet can be displayed to the end user within NEXXIS. When the process is complete the spreadsheet can be saved or deleted as required. All interactions with the Excel spreadsheet are carried out by NEXXIS in an environment that includes the security features required to meet with 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.Booth #4147