Nobel Media and AstraZeneca bring Nobel Laureate to University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine on May 12
As part of a global initiative between Nobel Media AB, the media company of the Nobel Foundation and AstraZeneca the pharmaceutical company, staff and students at The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine will have the rare opportunity to meet and learn from a Nobel Prize awarded scientist, Dr Michael Brown, on May 12, 2011.
Awarded the 1985 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Dr Brown will give a lecture at his alma mater, entitled ‘Partnerships, Puzzles and Paradigms: A collaborative approach to cholesterol’. Dr Brown will explore the dynamics, challenges and benefits of his partnership with Joseph L. Goldstein, fellow recipient of the Nobel Prize, and the ways it contributed to the pair’s extraordinary success in unraveling many of cholesterol’s secrets. The lecture is followed by an open question and answer session. In addition, Dr Brown will host roundtable discussions with graduate and medical students. On May 13, Dr Brown will give a further lecture to scientists at AstraZeneca’s research and development facility in Wilmington, Delaware, and then in front of the same audience, he will discuss the value of collaboration with Martin Mackay, President of R&D at AstraZeneca.
The event is part of the AstraZeneca Nobel Medicine Initiative, a global cooperation to bring the inspiring achievements from the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to the general public and to AstraZeneca’s leading research facilities worldwide. The aim of the initiative is to inspire the scientific community and others through sharing Nobel Prize awarded achievements and demonstrating how such discoveries are critical to advancing our understanding of how the human body works. For information about previous lectures within the initiative, see: