Innovation Crossroads Cohort 5 includes left to right: Caleb Alexander, DayLyte Batteries; Sam Evans, Unbound Water Technologies; Tommy Gibbons, Hempitecture; Shuchi “SK” Khurana, Addiguru; Forrest Shriver, Sentinel Devices; and Philip Stuckey, FC Renew.
Six science and technology innovators from across the United States will join the fifth cohort of Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Innovation Crossroads program in June. As the Southeast’s only research and development program for entrepreneurs based at a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory, Innovation Crossroads provides unique support to science-based startups to help advance game-changing technologies from the laboratory to the marketplace.
Innovation Crossroads is sponsored by DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office.
New this year, DOE’s Building Technologies Office is supporting an innovator in building energy efficiency research. The Tennessee Valley Authority once again joins as a program sponsor for the third year enabling an innovator focused on energy-related research.
The six innovators were selected through a merit-based process and will have the opportunity to advance technologies they aim to commercialize by working with world-class science experts and unique capabilities at ORNL. These include Summit, the nation’s most powerful supercomputer; the Manufacturing Demonstration Facility, DOE’s largest advanced manufacturing research center; the Building Technologies Research and Integration Center, DOE’s only user facility dedicated to buildings research; and the Spallation Neutron Source, offering atomic-level insight into materials. The innovators will be partnered with a network of mentoring organizations in the Southeast to help develop business strategies to move their technology breakthroughs into the market.
Read the rest of the story as it appeared on Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s website.