Registration is now open for the 60th HPC User Forum, taking place April 11-13, 2016, at the Loews Ventana Canyon in Tucson, AZ. The forum offers the chance to hear top experts on high-innovation, high-growth areas of the high performance computing market.
Participants will hear about topics such as
- top growth areas for 2016
- advanced analytics/machine learning/deep learning
- HPC in the cloud
- HPC in Europe
- a National Strategic Computing Initiative Update
- disruptive technologies
The near-final agenda appears below and shows a powerful lineup of speakers who will be participating in Tucson.
HPC User Forum meetings are open to anyone with an interest in high performance computing or high performance data analysis (big data using HPC), including users, vendors, funders and others. Attendees have described HPC User Forum meetings as providing a “fire hose” of new information and insight. To date, several thousand individuals have attended HPC User Forum meetings in North America, Europe and Asia.
About the HPC User Forum
The HPC User Forum was established in 1999 to promote the health of the global HPC industry and address issues of common concern to users. The organization has grown to 150 members. It is directed by a volunteer Steering Committee of users from government, industry and academia, and operated for the users by market analyst firm IDC. The Forum holds two full-membership meetings a year in the United States, and also holds two meetings annually in international locations. The Steering Committee establishes the agenda topics for HPC User Forum meetings and the ongoing technical research agenda that IDC helps to pursue.
You can track the detailed agenda and register at Questions? Send an e-mail to [email protected].
Preliminary Agenda | 60th HPC User Forum
April 11-13, 2016 – Tucson, Arizona
Monday, April 11, 2016
5:00pm Registration Starts
6:30pm Welcome Dinner Reception and Short Vendor Technology Updates
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
7:15am Networking Breakfast
8:15am Meeting Welcome and Announcements: Paul Muzio, Rupak Biswas, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway
8:30am HPC Market Update and IDC’s Top Growth Areas for 2016 and Beyond: Earl Joseph, Steve Conway and Bob Sorensen
Session Chair: Arno Kolster, PayPal
8:45am Focus Area: Advanced Analytics/Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Machine Learning, Prabhat (NERSC)
Advanced Data Analytics and Health Care: The Optum Labs Partnership: John Erickson (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Computational Aerosciences: Karthik Duraisamy (University of Michigan)
10:15am Break
10:45am Focus Area: Advanced Analytics/Machine Learning/Deep Learning
ORIGAMI: Advanced Data and Workflow: Rangan Sukumar (ORNL)
Graph Analysis Using GPUs, with Real-World Examples: Brad Bebee (Systap)
11:45am Intel Technology Update: R&D Plans for HPC Going Forward
12:00pm Networking Lunch
Session Chair: TBD
1:00pm Effect of Platform Choices on the Data Analysis Process: Seung-Hwan Lim (ORNL)
1:30pm Focus Area: HPC in the Cloud
Use Cases and Best Practices for Cloud-based Enterprise HPC: David Pellerin (Amazon Web Services)
Trends in HPC Cloud Computing: Speaker TBD (Microsoft Azure)
2:30pm Panel Discussion: HPC in the Cloud
Representatives from cloud user organizations and cloud services providers will discuss advances in HPC cloud computing and plans for addressing constraints
3:30pm Break
4:00pm Fostering Innovation at AFRL: Lloyd Slonaker
4:30pm Simulating the Global Climate and Carbon Cycle: Joellen Russell (University of Arizona)
5:00pm HPC User Site Update #1
5:30pm Networking Break
6:30pm Special Dinner Event
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
7:15am Networking Breakfast
8:10am Welcome: Paul Muzio, Rupak Biswas, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway
Session Chair: TBD
8:15am HPC in Europe
Europe’s Fastest System and the World Around It: Michael Resch (HLRS)
HPC and SMEs: The Fortissimo Initiative: Bastien Koller (HLRS)
The EU Human Brain Project: Henry Markram (EPFL)
9:45am Break
10:15am Keynote: NSCI Update (speaker TBD)
10:45am Disruptive Technologies
Brief vendor overviews of new/emerging technologies that may have a disruptive impact on the HPC market
11:15am Vendor R&D Plans: How New HPC Requirements Are Changing Their Designs
11:30am HPC User Site Update #2
12:00pm Networking Lunch
1:00pm TBD
2:30pm Vendor R&D Plans: How HPDA Requirements are Changing Their Designs
3:30pm Break
4:00pm TBD
4:30pm TBD
5:00pm Meeting Wrap-Up, Paul Muzio, Rupak Biswas, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway
5:30pm Steering Committee Meeting
6:30pm Steering Committee Dinner