CLEVELAND — Due to heightened travel concerns with the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, the R&D World staff has decided to reformat the planned in-person R&D 100 Conference and Awards banquet into virtual events. Thanks to the increased flexibility in timing that this gives our team, we are also allowing a short extension for submissions to the 2020 R&D 100 Awards, to Friday, July 24th.
Finalists for the R&D 100 will now be announced, in a press release on the R&D World homepage ( on September 21. The R&D 100 Award winners, as well as the Special Recognition category winners, will be announced in three live webinar presentations on September 29, 30 and October 1, each at 3 p.m. Eastern time. Each day’s announcements will cover different categories from the R&D 100, and the lineup for the three days will be announced in the weeks before the webinars.
Additionally, the new R&D 100 Conference Virtual Series will debut on three successive Thursdays in November, also at 3 p.m. Eastern each day: November 5, 12, and 19. Speakers and topics will be announced as the dates approach, and registration for the conference will be complimentary. Details will be shared in the coming months at
To nominate a product or service for the R&D 100, please visit the submission site at: