| October 19, 2020Dynamic Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy Enables Low-Cost, High-Performance Solar Cells and Other Semiconductors Devices
| October 19, 2020ReliaCoat Command Center: Autonomous Sensor Integration for Digital Thermal Spray Manufacturing
| October 19, 2020OrganiCam: First camera for noncontact, nondestructive biodetection in remote environments and space
| October 19, 2020QUIC-Fire: A Fast 3D Fire-Atmosphere Feedback Model for Complex Wildland Fire Management
| October 19, 2020Solar on the Move: All-Perovskite Tandem Technology Jump-Starts the Pursuit of Photovoltaic-Powered Vehicles
| October 19, 2020Smart Microbial Cell Technology: A high‐throughput platform to optimize biocatalysts