Ultraclean Condensing Gas Furnace
Category: Mechanical/Materials
Developers: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
United States
Product Description:We developed a novel furnace that incorporates monolithic acidic gas reduction (AGR) as the catalyst to minimize acidic gases and condensate acidity and oxidize carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and methane. The ultraclean flue gas and neutral condensate enables furnaces to achieve simpler installation, high efficiency, and environmental protection.
Developers: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
United States
Product Description:We developed a novel furnace that incorporates monolithic acidic gas reduction (AGR) as the catalyst to minimize acidic gases and condensate acidity and oxidize carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and methane. The ultraclean flue gas and neutral condensate enables furnaces to achieve simpler installation, high efficiency, and environmental protection.

Advanced furnace with AGR