System Performance and Real Time Analysis (SPARTA), from Southwest Research Institute, represents a leap forward in electronic countermeasures (ECM) processing, analysis, visualization and reporting capabilities. It can measure parameters that competitive products cannot. Customers especially like the out-of-limit notifications, error tables and visualization presented via interactive video graphs. To meet complex test needs, SPARTA has simulated 50 signal-emitters with over one million pulses per second within a 500 MHz span to replicate today’s congested electromagnetic environments. SPARTA provides more than just an automated pass or fail of individual parameters; it also allows engineers to further determine the cause of the failure in their system with a drill down capability to the pulse or sample level. This allows a quick diagnosis of failures early in the acquisition or sustainment processes saving total costs and minimizing time to get systems onto the war-fighters’ aircrafts. SPARTA is more than just a testing tool — it also functions as a visualization platform that can be used for testing/simulation/reporting. We often build tailored report modules as needed. These clear-cut competitive advantages place SPARTA as the leader in the test and evaluation arena.
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