The SC conference has a long tradition of showcasing cutting-edge developments in high-performance networking. Since its inception in 1991, SCinet has been SC’s research network, pushing the boundaries of networking technologies and innovations each year through a variety of workshops, demos and activities, in addition to the operational services necessary to provide conference attendees with connectivity. From the Bandwidth Challenge (SC00 to SC09) to the Research Sandbox (SC10, SC11, and SC12), evolving into the Network Research Exhibition workshop (SC13), and through SC14’s Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science workshop, SCinet has hosted much of SC’s high performance networking content.
For SC15, SCinet will once again be providing a venue for quality demos and technical papers that showcase the latest technologies and practices in high performance networking used as a platform for HPC around the world. There will be two components to this year’s program: the Network Research Exhibition (NRE) and the academic-driven Innovating the Network for Data-intensive Science (INDIS) workshop.
2015 SCinet Network Research Exhibition (NRE)
The NRE is SCinet’s forum for displaying new or innovative demonstrations in network testbeds, emerging network hardware, protocols and advanced network intensive scientific applications that will stretch the boundaries of a high-performance network. The goal of the NRE is to showcase technologies that will impact HPC in general and SCinet in particular. Topics for SC15’s Network Research Exhibition demos and experiments range from software-defined networking (SDN) to security/encryption and resilience:
- Network Security @ 100 Gbps; Booth: CIENA #933
- Secure Science DMZ With Event-Driven SDN; Booth: Cisco #588
- Network Functions Virtualisation; Booth: SURF #2321
- Automated GOLE; Booths: SURF #2321, AIST #1725, NICT #2621
- LHCONE Point2point Service with Data Transfer Nodes; Booth: California Institute of Technology # 1248, Univ of Michigan #2103, Vanderbilt University #271
- Apply NSI in SDX Topology Exchange; Booths: NCHC #351, iCAIR #749
- Dynamic Remote I/O; Booth: LAC/OCC #750
- Demonstrations of 100 Gbps Disk-to-Disk WAN File Transfer Performance via SDX and 100G FW; Booth: LAC/OCC #749
- Virtualized Science DMZ as a service; Booth: RENCI #181
- Active Measurement in a Dynamic Network Sliced/Virtual World; Booths: Indiana School of Informatics and Computer Science #542, The University of Utah #259; Time: Thursday, November 19, 10am-11am
- InfiniCortex; Booths: A*STAR Computational Resource Centre #306, Obsidian Strategics #287, and GÉANT #3218
- The MDTM Project; Booth: Department of Energy (DOE) #502; Times: Wednesday, November 18, 11am-12pm, 3pm-4pm
- 100 Gbps over IP with Aspera FASP; Booth: Aspera #286
- Scientific Data Management using Named Data Networking; Booth: NCAR #359, and California Institute of Technology / CACR #1248; Times: Tuesday, November 17, 10am-11am, 2pm-3pm
- Deep Network Visibility Using R-Scope and Ensign Technologies by Reservoir Labs; Booth: Email Reservoir Labs if you are interested in this demonstration:
- Resource Aware Data-centric collaboration Infrastructure (RADII); Booth: RENCI #181; Time: Tuesday, November 17, 10:30 AM and Wednesday, November 18, 1:30 PM
- Petatrans 100Gbps Data Transfer Node (DTN); Booth: iCAIR #749
- Adaptive QOS for Wide-area Data Flows; Booth: Department of Energy (DOE) #502; Times: Tuesday, November 17, 10am-11am, 2pm-3pm; Wednesday, November 18, 11am-12pm, 3pm-4pm; Thursday, November 19, 10am-11am
- Data Commons and Data Peering at 100Gbps; Booth: iCAIR #749; Times: Tuesday, November 17, 10am-12pm; Wednesday, November 18, 12:30pm-2:30pm
- Network Optimization with OpenFlow for Science DMZ: Testing to the Pacific Research Platform and Sun Corridor Networks; Booths: Arizona Research Computing #399, and Stanford #2009
- PetaTransfer Experiment The Pacific Research Platform (PRP); Booth: SDSC #823
- International Multidomain Open Architecture E2E 100Gpbs Services; Booth: iCAIR #749
- High Performance Science Networking @ 100Gbps; Booth: iCAIR #749
- Bioinformatics SDX for Precision Medicine; Booth: iCAIR #749; Times: Monday, November 16, 7-9pm; Wednesday, November 18, 10am-12:00pm
- SDN Optimized High-Performance Data Transfer Systems for Exascale Science; Booth: California Institute of Technology / CACR #1248, University of Michigan #2103, Stanford University #2009, OCC #749, Vanderbilt #271, Dell #1009, and Echostreams #582
- Interconnecting Heterogeneous Supercomputers with FPGA-Accelerated Key Value Store (KVS); Booth: Algo-Logic Systems Inc. #3012
SCinet INDIS Workshop — November 16, 2015 @Hilton 410 (across from Austin Convention Center)
The second annual Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science workshop will be a part of the SC15 Technical Program. INDIS will showcase both demonstrations and technical papers that highlight important developments in high-performance networking. With participants from research, industry and government, the workshop will cover topics related to network testbeds, emerging network hardware, protocols and advanced network-intensive scientific applications
2015 INDIS Workshop Agenda
- 9:00-9:05 Welcome and Intro, Cees de Laat
- 9:05-9:15 SCinet Overview, Davey Wheeler
- 09:15-9:35 Keynote, Inder Monga
- 9:35-9:50 SCinet: 25 Years of Extreme Networking, Linda Winkler
- 9:50-10:45 Network Research Exhibition Panel:
- John Graham, UCSD
- Gerben van Malenstein, SURFnet
- Joe Breen, University of Utah
- Christos Papdopoulos, Colorado State University
- Paul Ruth, RENCI
- 10:45-11:15 Break
- 11:15-11:35 High-Performance Many-Core Networking: Design and Implementation, Jordi Ros-Giralt
- 11:35-11:55 Optimizing Data Transfer Nodes using Packet Pacing, Brian Tierney
- 11:55-12:20 High-Speed Scientific Data Transfers using Software Defined Networking, Harvey Newman
For further information, visit: