SigmaPlot Version 12.2
SigmaPlot Version 12.2 is downloadable update to the latest version of the scientific data analysis and graphing software package SigmaPlot 12.1. This update provides researchers increased system stability, ease of use and new features to quickly analyze data and create exact, publication-quality graphs that best present research results for presentation, publication or the web. The update offers over 120 new features, bug fixes and enhanced stability. It contains features to enhance statistical capability and to streamline the graph creation process. Some of the more notable features and software fixes include: Added mouse wheel scrolling to property browser combo boxes, added PNG format graph export, added Kolmogorov-Smirnov assumption checking for the Mann-Whitney (Rank Sum) test, added one-tailed parametric t-test, improved the accuracy of power values for paired and unpaired t-tests, added percentile method option for rank-based tests, added bitmap printing for displaying GDI+ features on any printer, fixed Standard Curves macro bugs, fixed PDF printing, improved anti-aliased line performance, fixed 3D graph export, improved ternary axis title display, fixed linear regression line incrementing colors and fixed context sensitive Help.