Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, (SAMSI) has
been renewed by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for five years.
This is the second renewal the grant has received by NSF.
is one of eight mathematical institutes funded by the NSF’s Division of
Mathematical Sciences, but this is the only one that focuses on
statistics and applied mathematics. It was originally founded in 2002
and is now celebrating its tenth anniversary.
grant is a collaboration of Duke University, North Carolina State
University (NCSU), the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)
and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) in
conjunction with the William Kenan Jr. Institute for Engineering,
Technology and Science.
The renewal of our funding is a tribute to the incredible commitment to
SAMSI by the whole community—our partner institutions, the national
leadership in statistics and applied mathematics, everyone who has
served SAMSI as a directorate member or program leader, and more broadly
all the people who have visited SAMSI and participated in our research
over the years,” said Richard Smith, Director of SAMSI.
the past ten years, SAMSI’s programs have grown, adding summer programs
in 2006 and increasing its education and outreach programs to
undergraduate and graduate students. Last year, the Institute started
holding some of its workshops on the West Coast in addition to the
workshops that are held in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Institute has mentored over 80 postdoctoral fellows and associates over
the past ten years. Many now hold now hold academic positions as well
as positions in industry and government. SAMSI has hosted hundreds of
visitors each year to participate in multi-disciplinary workshops
pushing the boundaries of data-driven and model-driven research.
2013-14, SAMSI will hold two major programs, one focusing on
Computational Methods in the Social Sciences and the other focusing on
Low Dimensional Structure in High-Dimensional Systems. It will also host
a summer program on Neuroimaging Data Analysis.
Source: Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute