A paper published in Gravitational and Space Research reveals insights from research sponsored by the International Space Station (ISS) National Laboratory on transport phenomena. Transport phenomena are fundamental physical processes involving momentum, energy, and mass transfer. They describe how heat and matter move through their surroundings, such as how heat radiates from a stove or how a…
ISS National Lab and NASA partner to accelerate disease research in microgravity
Humanity has long looked to the stars for answers, but why would you want to conduct research in space, especially when it comes to curing diseases here on Earth? The International Space Station (ISS), orbiting roughly 250 miles above us, can help unravel medical mysteries. “The ISS National Lab offers unique opportunities for scientific and…
ISSRDC 2024 to feature astronauts, industry leaders to mull low-earth orbit economy
The International Space Station (ISS) continues to be a bustling hub of scientific research with NASA astronauts Tracy C. Dyson and Mike Barratt recently completing a spacewalk on June 24. Another is planned for July 2. Against this backdrop of continuous scientific endeavors, the upcoming ISS Research and Development Conference (ISSRDC) will focus on the processes…