Thomson Reuters announced a range of strategic enhancements to its Accelus BoardLink service, a secure board workflow solution designed to serve companies as they operate across borders and involve increasingly mobile, global boards.
The boards of public companies face heightened scrutiny from investors, regulators, and the media, and are therefore increasingly reliant on technology for support and assistance. The latest developments, shaped in conjunction with Thomson Reuters board clients, aim to advance the product’s mobile offering and provide innovative tools that streamline the workflow process and help company directors to meet their objectives.
Thomson Reuters Accelus BoardLink for iPad will now feature surveys allowing directors to vote on important activities and agenda items for discussion, with the ability to recycle previous responses to avoid duplication. In addition, a simplified folder management system allows users to easily navigate their organisation’s books and documents to locate the information of most relevance. The integration of Apple AirPrint means that materials are now available to print via Accelus BoardLink for iPad, empowering directors to employ a flexible approach to their record keeping.
For the first time, Accelus BoardLink will also enable customers to manage their annotations and synch notes from previous board book versions with current or updated copies across both the web portal and iPad. This prevents directors from losing their original notes or having to rewrite them in the run-up to board meetings. The redesigned reader experience on Accelus BoardLink for iPad now includes streamlined navigation and enhanced annotational tools to provide greater efficiency and ease of use to increasingly mobile, time-pressed directors.
“The latest enhancements to Accelus BoardLink will help the boards of public companies to better manage their workflow processes and access critical information on the move,” said Andrew Neblett, managing director, Enterprise Risk Management, Governance, Risk & Compliance, Thomson Reuters. “This next iteration demonstrates the truly global nature of Accelus BoardLink and the business value it brings to modern-day boards.”
Thomson Reuters Accelus BoardLink iPad app is a powerful tool to support increasingly mobile board members, along with a secure, web-based board portal for Corporate and Company Secretaries to manage Board workflow. This enables users to communicate and share documents, create topic-specific workspaces, compile and share board books, and have access to critical business intelligence and board committee documents.
Thomson Reuters Accelus dynamically connects business transactions, strategy and operations to the ever-changing regulatory environment, enabling firms to manage business risk. A comprehensive platform supported by a range of applications and trusted regulatory and risk intelligence data, Accelus brings together market-leading solutions for governance, risk and compliance management, global regulatory intelligence, financial crime, anti-bribery and corruption, enhanced due diligence, training and e-learning, and board of director and disclosure services.