Category: Analytical/Test
Developers: BICO
Co-Developers: Cellenion Vienna Biocenter - Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) - Karl Mechtler's Lab
Product Description:proteoCHIP is an innovative microchip which enables the first commercially-available automated workflow for single cell proteomics sample preparation (before Mass Spectrometry analysis) on the cellenONE single cell dispenser, including image-based cell selection and isolation, nanoliter reagent dispensing, and on-deck incubation. proteoCHIP 12*16 is the version dedicated to multiplex MS-based workflows.
Developers: BICO
Co-Developers: Cellenion Vienna Biocenter - Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) - Karl Mechtler's Lab
Product Description:proteoCHIP is an innovative microchip which enables the first commercially-available automated workflow for single cell proteomics sample preparation (before Mass Spectrometry analysis) on the cellenONE single cell dispenser, including image-based cell selection and isolation, nanoliter reagent dispensing, and on-deck incubation. proteoCHIP 12*16 is the version dedicated to multiplex MS-based workflows.
proteoCHIP 12*16 (chips and funnels)