KnowItAll 4.1 Informatics system now includes the CompareIt feature, which visualizes and compares numeric data between multiple databases. Using this application, pharmaceutical researchers can select any two property fields from multiple databases for comparison. For example, ADME response data (e.g., Blood-Brain Barrier) can be compared to molecular physical property data (e.g., Polar Surface Area or logP). The program generates a scatter-plot diagram of one variable versus the other. Selecting any point or group of points will immediately display the compounds associated with that record, with a pop-up view of all the data associated with the compound. From this scatter plot comparison, the researcher can visualize trends and segregate data that follows a desired trend from that which does not. The data input for this application can be either user-generated or from reference databases containing experimental data, calculated results or both. This feature is fully integrated with all other applications in the KnowItAll environment, including searching, reporting and prediction.