Ladder polymers — molecules made of adjacent rings sharing two or more atoms — are challenging to synthesize, because they require highly selective, quantitative reactions to avoid the formation of branching structures or of interruptions in the ring sequence in the polymer chain. Moreover, most existing strategies for the synthesis of ladder polymers suffer from…
Layering Titanium Oxide’s Different Mineral Forms for Better Solar Cells
Researchers have layered different mineral forms of titanium oxide on top of one another to improve perovskite-type solar cell efficiency by one-sixth. The layered titanium oxide layer was better able to transport electrons from the center of the cell to its electrodes. This novel approach could be used to fabricate even more efficient perovskite-type solar…
‘Flipped’ Metal Oxide Cage Sorts CO2 from CO
A Japanese research team led by Kanazawa University has studied host-guest interactions in vanadate clusters. V12 is a spherical bowl that hosts small molecules in its interior. The team created empty (guest-free) V12 for the first time. One of the 12 units of VO5 was found to flip inwards to fill the void vacated by…
Water Vapor Annealing Technique on Diamond Surfaces for Next-Generation Power Devices
Satellite Measurements of the Earth’s Magnetosphere Promise Better Space Weather Forecasts
Earth is constantly being hammered by charged particles emitted by the Sun that have enough power to make life on Earth almost impossible. We survive because Earth’s magnetic field traps and deflects these particles, preventing the vast majority of them from ever reaching the planet’s surface. The trapped particles bounce back and forth between the…
Potential Enzyme as Therapeutic Target for Diabetes
Abnormalities in glucose uptake by the liver (or hepatic glucose uptake; HGU) cause elevations in blood glucose levels following meals, a state that is known as postprandial hyperglycemia. Such abnormalities are observed in obesity and type 2 diabetes and result in an increased risk of cardiovascular complications. Although the exact mechanism of HGU impairment is…