Origin and OriginPro 2016 are software applications for data analysis and publication-quality graphing, tailored to the needs of scientists and engineers. OriginPro offers all of the features of Origin plus extended analysis tools. Notable among the new features and enhancements in Origin and OriginPro 2016 are Apps in Origin to add specific graphing and analysis functionality; a new and powerful Color Chooser; Smart Plotting with Cloneable Templates to quickly create multi-layer graphs with complex mapping of data plots to worksheet columns; Batch Analysis by cloning current workbook during multi-file import; professional reports from Batch Analysis using Microsoft Word templates; a dockable Object Manager window to manage layers and data plots in a graph; and an improved dialog to send graphs to Microsoft PowerPoint. Additional new features in Origin and OriginPro 2016 include tab-based dialogs for common analysis tools, easier customization of annotation labels, skip weekends and holidays in financial plots, R Console and Rserve support to connect with R software, and Three-way ANOVA and Partial Correlation in OriginPro.