Category: Analytical/Test
Developers: ThalesNano Inc. ThalesNano Inc.
Co-Developers: ComInnex Inc.
Product Description:The PhotoCube™ is a multi-wavelength instrument available for advanced photochemical applications. Various configurations can be applied to a diverse set of batch, flow and stop-flow photochemical reactions. Options for multicolor and UV LEDs enable you to apply up to 7 wavelengths, in addition to white, even simultaneously.
Developers: ThalesNano Inc. ThalesNano Inc.
Co-Developers: ComInnex Inc.
Product Description:The PhotoCube™ is a multi-wavelength instrument available for advanced photochemical applications. Various configurations can be applied to a diverse set of batch, flow and stop-flow photochemical reactions. Options for multicolor and UV LEDs enable you to apply up to 7 wavelengths, in addition to white, even simultaneously.
PhotoCube Image 1