Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Load Operation and Deployment (HEVI-LOAD)
Category: Software/Services
Developers: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
United States
Product Description:HEVI-LOAD is the only software tool that enables stakeholders to project the charging infrastructure needs (type, quantity, and location), charging load profiles, and grid impacts of future medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) electric zero-emission vehicles with the granular temporal and spatial resolutions needed to develop a successful MHD electric vehicle infrastructure.
Developers: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
United States
Product Description:HEVI-LOAD is the only software tool that enables stakeholders to project the charging infrastructure needs (type, quantity, and location), charging load profiles, and grid impacts of future medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) electric zero-emission vehicles with the granular temporal and spatial resolutions needed to develop a successful MHD electric vehicle infrastructure.

LBNL HEVI-LOAD Web Interface 1 (About)