Researchers at the Physical and Analytical Chemistry department of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) of Castellón, Spain, have taken part in the design of semiconductor nanoplatelets with a broadened range of colors to improve LCD and LED screens, thanks to an international collaboration headed by the University of Ghent. The results of this research, in…
Researchers Create 2D Materials Capable of Having Magnetism
An international team of physicists and chemists, headed by Eugenio Coronado and Guillermo Mínguez Espallargas, researchers of Valencia University’s Molecular Science Institute (ICMol) have been able to create materials similar to graphene from a molecular synthesis. These are MUV-1, robust materials with great chemical versatility that are capable of having different physical properties such as…
Nanoparticles Created to Enrich Magnetic Resonance Scan Images
Researchers at the Chemical Technology Institute (ITQ) of the Unviersitat Politècnica de València and collaborating institutions have developed nanoparticles that improve the contrast in magnetic resonance scan images. Measuring 90 nanometers, their clinical use could facilitate the diagnosis of hepatic, pulmonary, and cardiovascular pathologies, as well as many types of tumors. Their work has been…
Antimicrobial Material Fights Hospital-Acquired Infections
Researchers at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) in Castellón, Spain, have developed a new light-activated antimicrobial material for use in the fight against the most common hospital infections. Led by professor Francisco Galindo and researcher Alicia Beltrán, the results have been published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry. The new material is a molybdenum complex…