In a cleanroom environment, the right mask is essential for preventing contamination from skin flakes, oils, perspiration and hair. Selecting the right cleanroom face mask is a crucial first step.
After you’ve made your selection, follow these five steps to get a proper fit:
1) Make sure the pleats or pouches point down, to avoid picking up contaminants or debris.
2) Put the mask on with the shiny side on the outside and the softer material on the inside.
3) Adjust the head attachment. If you have trouble tying the mask behind your head, stand still and close your eyes while doing it.
4) Pinch the bridge of the mask. This will help fit the mask to your face and minimize fogging if you are wearing goggles or glasses.
5) Wear your mask with confidence, knowing that the proper fit is essential to your safety!
This Cleanroom Tip was contributed by Damon Larkin of Kimberly-Clark Professional Global Scientific Business.
How to Choose a Cleanroom Mask, Pt. I can be found in the September/October 2018 issue of Controlled Environments.