Plug-N-Play Appliance for Resilient Response of Operational Technologies (PARROT)
Category: Software/Services
Developers: Idaho National Laboratory Idaho National Laboratory
United States
Product Description:The Plug-N-Play Appliance for Resilient Response of Operational Technologies (PARROT) provides an extra layer of security from cyberattacks on critical infrastructure operations. When placed between control systems and infrastructure, PARROT isolates a cyberattack, provides a manual or automated response, and prevents harmful impacts while maintaining operations.
Developers: Idaho National Laboratory Idaho National Laboratory
United States
Product Description:The Plug-N-Play Appliance for Resilient Response of Operational Technologies (PARROT) provides an extra layer of security from cyberattacks on critical infrastructure operations. When placed between control systems and infrastructure, PARROT isolates a cyberattack, provides a manual or automated response, and prevents harmful impacts while maintaining operations.