Antihyperhydrogen-4 created in a heavy-ion collision [Institute of Modern Physics]
The pop science field has dubbed antimatter as a sort of “evil twin” of normal matter because the two are surprisingly similar, only differing in charge. If the two come into contact, they mutually destruct in burst of energy.
The RHIC is a powerful enabler of physics experiments
RHIC, a facility capable of accelerating heavy ions to near the speed of light and colliding them to mimic the extreme energy densities “microseconds after the Big Bang, with comparable amounts of matter and antimatter,” as the researchers noted in Nature. The RHIC’s track record in studying strange makes it an ideal tool for investigating antihyperhydrogen-4, which contains an anti-Lambda hyperon.
Matter vs. antimatter
The study of antihyperhydrogen-4 offers a deeper glimpse into the symmetry between matter and antimatter, a fundamental question in particle physics. “What caused the difference in quantities of matter and antimatter in the universe? To answer this question, an important approach is to create new antimatter in the laboratory and study its properties,” asked Prof. QIU Hao from IMP, in a press release.
In the recent study, the scientists describe comparing the lifetimes of antihyperhydrogen-4 with its matter counterpart, hyperhydrogen-4. They foundno significant differences within the precision of their measurements. The finding supprts the fundamental symmetry between matter and antimatter, a core principle in the standard model of particle physics. The research also paves the way for future study of antihyperhydrogen-4, which could shed more light on matter-antimatter asymmetry.
Researchers at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, led the research, which involved identifying a signal of roughly 16 antihyperhydrogen-4 events from the decay products, antihelium-4 and a π+ meson. In the scope of the research, the scientists analyzed a dataset involving some 6.6 billion heavy-ion collision events.
Timeline of notable antimatter advances
Year | Milestone | Description |
1928 | Theoretical Prediction | Paul Dirac proposes the concept of antimatter in his relativistic quantum theory of the electron. |
1932 | Positron Discovery | Carl Anderson discovers the positron (antielectron) while studying cosmic rays. |
1955 | Antiproton Discovery | Emilio Segrè and Owen Chamberlain discover the antiproton using the Bevatron particle accelerator. |
1956 | Antineutron Detection | Bruce Cork and colleagues detect the antineutron. |
2000 | CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator | Facility established for producing and studying low-energy antiprotons. |
2010 | ALPHA Experiment | First successful trapping of antihydrogen atoms for extended periods at CERN. |
2011 | AMS-02 | Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer installed on the ISS to search for cosmic antimatter and dark matter. |
2013-2014 | BASE Experiment | CERN approves BASE project (2013). First high-precision measurement of proton magnetic moment and antiproton measurements begin (2014). |
2024 | Antihyperhydrogen-4 Observation | STAR Collaboration announces first observation of antihyperhydrogen-4, an antimatter hypernucleus, using the STAR detector at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s RHIC. |