by Bill Schweber, Contributing Author The first part of this article looked at the challenges of sensing nano-level flow rates such as found in the blood vessels. In contrast, the second part looked at graphene, an allotrope of elemental carbon at the heart of a new sensor used to measure those flows. This third and…
Graphene-based flowmeter sensor measures nano-rate fluid flows, Part 2: The graphene context
by Bill Schweber, Contributing Author The previous part of this article looked at the challenges of nanoflow sensors, especially with respect to blood flow. This part looks at graphene, which is the basis for the new sensor. Graphene is a material structure which did not exist until relatively recently. However, its constituent element of graphite…
Graphene-based flowmeter sensor measures nano-rate fluid flows, Part 1: The challenge
by Bill Schweber, contributing author When it comes to nearly all biological measurements, the ranges of many of the parameters of interest are orders-of-magnitude below those with which many engineers are familiar. Instead of megahertz or even kilohertz, the living-creature world is in the single or double-digit hertz range, such as the roughly 60+ beats…