The First Peek Inside Sodium-Metal Sulfide Batteries
Sometimes understanding how a problem arises in the first place is key to finding its solution. For a team of scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, taking this approach led them to the cause of degraded performance in an operating sodium-ion battery. “We discovered that the loss in battery capacity…
DNA Combines with Nanoparticles for a DIY Diamond
The remarkable properties that diamonds possess result from their crystalline structure; similar structures in which nanoparticles substitute for carbon atoms could lead to materials with new and undiscovered properties. For the first time, scientists realized ordered arrays (superlattices) of nanoparticles, which self-organize in the same way that carbon atoms do within a diamond lattice (Science,…
Brookhaven Lab to Play Major Role in Two DOE Exascale Computing Application Projects
Search Continues for “Sterile” Neutrinos
Reports of the non-existence of the so-called “sterile” neutrino are premature, say scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory — even as they release results from two experiments that further limit the places this elusive particle may be hiding. These results, described in three papers published in Physical Review Letters (PRL) by…
Room-Temp Superconductors Could Be Possible
These mind-boggling materials allow electric current to flow freely without resistance. But that generally only happens at temperatures within a few degrees of absolute zero (minus 459 degrees Fahrenheit), making them difficult to deploy today. However, if we’re able to harness the powers of superconductivity at room temperature, we could transform how energy is produced,…
Crystalline Fault Lines Provide Pathway for Solar Cell Current
Innovative X-ray Imaging Technique Slices Through Materials
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory have created a new imaging technique that allows scientists to probe the internal makeup of a battery during charging and discharging using different x-ray energies while rotating the battery cell. The technique produces a three-dimensional chemical map and lets the scientists track chemical reactions in…
Gold Nanocluster Discovery Hints at Other Shape-Changing Particles
Chemically the same, graphite and diamonds are as physically distinct as two minerals can be, one opaque and soft, the other translucent and hard. What makes them unique is their differing arrangement of carbon atoms. Polymorphs, or materials with the same composition but different structures, are common in bulk materials, and now a new study…
Surprise! Magnetic Excitations Discovered in Metallic Compound
Some three-dimensional materials can exhibit exotic properties that only exist in “lower” dimensions. For example, in one-dimensional chains of atoms that emerge within a bulk sample, electrons can separate into three distinct entities, each carrying information about just one aspect of the electron’s identity — spin, charge, or orbit. The spinon, the entity that carries…