The Minncare dry fog system from Mar Cor Purification is a portable system for cleanroom and critical area fogging. The controlled droplet diameter size of 7.5 µm minimizes the risk of condensation and enables penetration into inaccessible areas. The unit, which comes in an autoclavable design and features sanitary construction using 316L stainless steel for key components, does not require an electrical connection.
Single units are suitable for use in rooms up to 35,000 ft3 and will disperse up to 11 L/hr of liquid Minncare cold sterilant, a peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide-based proprietary chemistry developed by Minntech.
Regular use may contribute to maintaining low particulate levels due to the suppression of airborne particles by the droplets. The unit does not emit noise or ultrasonic vibration during use, and allows users to verify the absence of residual vapors prior to putting the rooms back into use.
The system is EPA-registered for fogging as part of normal cleaning and disinfection procedures, and utilizes no toxic aldehyde vapors. It is biodegradable and contains only pharmaceutical quality raw materials.
Source: Mar Cor Purification
This ISPE Boston Product Show product was published in the September 2012 issue of Controlled Environments magazine, p. 15.