Developer: BICO
Co-developer: Cellenion Vienna Biocenter – Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) – Karl Mechtler’s Lab
proteoCHIP is an innovative microchip made of Teflon and pre-filled with a thin oil layer to avoid the evaporation of precious peptides during the sample preparation process. It enables the first commercially available automated workflow for single-cell proteomics sample preparation (before Mass Spectrometry analysis) on the cellenONE single-cell dispenser, including image-based cell selection and isolation, nanoliter reagent dispensing, and on-deck incubation. proteoCHIP 12*16 is the version dedicated to multiplex MS-based workflows. proteoCHIP revolutionizes the field of single-cell proteomics by enabling an end-to-end sample preparation workflow for single-cell proteomics before MS analysis, from cell isolation and lysis to peptide fragmentation and labeling to sample pooling and introduction to the LC-MS/MS autosampler. It showed outstanding results with quantification of up to 1500 proteins per run with no sample carrier and outstanding signal-to-noise. It is already used by most key opinion leaders in the field of single-cell proteomics.
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