Due to the worldwide impact of the COVID-19 crisis, R&D World has announced an extension of the deadline dates for the R&D 100 Awards program. The standard deadline for submissions is now Friday, June 26th and the late deadline will be Wednesday, July 15th.
While the volume of nominations has been strong thus far, many organizations and labs have expressed concern with meeting the deadline. Many mandated social distancing rules that have been put into place in many states and regions — as well as the challenges of working remotely — have made the process of putting together the applications difficult. R&D World appreciates these challenges and hopes that the new dates help to ease the process.
Submissions for the 2020 R&D 100 Award can be made at https://rd100.secure-platform.com/a. The entry fee remains unchanged from last year at $450. The late entry fee (for submissions received after June 26) is $550. For frequently asked questions, see the 2020 R&D 100 Awards Call for Nominations form.
The R&D 100 Conference and Awards Banquet dates have not changed — November 4-5, 2020 at the Coronado Island Marriott in San Diego, Calif. Details on the conference can be found at: https://www.rd100conference.com.
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