Producing Hydrogen From Splitting Water Without Splitting Hairs
Clearer Vision of the Biochemical Reaction That Allows Us to See
Researchers Discover New Mechanism to Explain the Spread of Alzheimer’s Disease
Tumorcode, A Software to Simulate Vascularized Tumors
The tumor vasculature is a major target of anticancer therapies. Rieger, Fredrich and Welter at Saarland University, Germany have been pursuing a quantitative analysis of the physical determinants of vascularized tumors for several years. With the help of computer simulations they have been able to recapitulate the knowledge accrued from in vitro research of tumor…
High-Energy Ions’ Movement Affected by Silicon Crystal Periodicity
Better Mastery of Heat Flow Leads To Next-Generation Thermal Cloaks
Ice Shapes the Landslide Landscape on Mars
Zig-Zagging Device Focuses on High-Energy Radiation Emissions
Proving Einstein Right Using The Most Sensitive Earth Rotation Sensors Ever Made
Study Describes New Method to Remove Nickel from Contaminated Seawater
Innovative Approaches in Ocular Drug Delivery
New Method Helps Stabilize Materials with Elusive Magnetism
Magnetic materials displaying what is referred to as itinerant ferromagnetism are in an elusive physical state that is not yet fully understood. They behave like a magnets under very specific conditions, such as at ultracold temperatures near absolute zero. Physicists normally have no other choice than to study this very unique state of matter in…
Tiger Sharks Can Be Marine ‘Hyenas’ Too
Tiger sharks are known as impressive predators that hunt and consume almost anything from birds to sea turtles. But when the opportunity presents itself, these sharks easily convert into the role of marine scavengers. This behavior was reported¹ in Springer’s journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology by a team of American, Australian and British researchers led by Neil…