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R&D 100 Archive of Winners

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Product Organization Co-Developers
17Cr4Ni Super X Stainless Steel Crucible Materials Corp. Geoffrey Rhodes
Acpmaps Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Alarmed Fiber Optic Model FAM 131 Hughes Aircraft Co., U.S. Air Force
ANZA Plus HNC Inc. Todd Gutschow, Robert Hecht-Nielson
Arsine Generators AT&T Bell Laboratories, Electron Transfer Technologies
Atomic-Emission Detector for Gas Chromatography Hewlett-Packard Co. Bruce Quimby, James J. Sullivan
Atomika XSA 8000 German Government Research Institute, Perkin-Elmer Corp. J. Knoth, H. Schwenke
BETA Double Rotor Estonian Academy of Sciences, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) , Alexander Pines
Binder-Enhanced Densified Refuse Derived Fuel Pellets Argonne National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy), University of North Texas Oscar O. Ohlsson, William W. Schertz, Kenneth E. Daugherty, Barney Venables
Braille Mouse Model II NASA (Langley Research Center) H. Douglas Garner
CAS Model 000200 Image Analysis System Cell Analysis Systems Inc. James W. Bacus, Ralph S. Hernicz
Chelation Ion Chromatography Dionex Corp., National Institute of Standards & Technology John M. Riviello, H. M. Kingston, Archava Siriraks
Coated Diffraction Gratings Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Troy W. Barbee, Daniel Dietrich, Jay V. Bixler
ColorEdge Eastman Kodak Co. (Copy Products )
Composite Optical/X-ray Laser Microscope Princeton University (Plasma Physics Lab.), Princeton X-Ray Laser Inc.
Conductive Lattices Los Alamos National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Steven P. Armes, Mahmoud Aldissi
Confocal Laser Scan Microscope Carl Zeiss Inc. Volker Wilke
Czochralski Silicon Crystal Growth Method Toshiba Corp. Hitoshi Hirano
Dextrous Hand Master Series 1 A. D. Little Inc., Exos Inc. , Beth Marcus
Diagnostic System for Ethernet Local Area Networks Network General Corp. Leonard J. Shustek
Digitally Synthesized AC Voltage National Institute of Standards & Technology Nile M. Oldham, Paul S. Hetrick
Diorganophosphites Union Carbide Corp. David R. Bryant
E-MACS NASA (Langley Research Center) Terence S. Abbott
E-SEM ElectroScan Corp. G. D. Danilatos
Electrically Driven Ion Exchange Membrane Process Allied Signal Inc. (Aquatech Systems) F. Chlanda, K. Mani
Electro-expulsive Surface Deicing Dystem (EESS) NASA (Ames Research Center) Leonard Haslim
Escascope VG Isogas Ltd. Peter Coxon
Evaporative Light Scattering Detector for HPLC Varex Corp. Augustyn Wysisnski, Bert Kitchenham
Fiberfrax Carborundum Co. D. J. Bailey, P. M. Boymel, J. M. Cerdan
Flurothane II and IV DeSoto Inc. Kenneth E. Jasenof, Clark A. Higginbotham, Ron J. Lewarchik
Four Mbit CMOS DRAM, Models TC514100J/Z, TC514400J/Z Toshiba Corp. Osamu Ozawa
Frequency Dependent Impedance Measurement Sensor (FDIMS) College of William and Mary David E. Kranbuehl
FreshHold Hercules Inc. Harry S. Anderson, William T. McNabola
FTCS-1 Los Alamos National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Tudor N. Buican, John C. Martin
Gasless Metal Atomization Nozzle Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc., Oak Ridge National Laboratory David O. Hobson, Vinod K. Sikka, Igor Alexeff
Herpchek Test System DuPont Co.
High Fiber, Noncaloric Flour Substitute U.S. Dept. of Agriculture J. Michael Gould
High Resolution Mirror Assembly HRMA-17 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) James H. Underwood, Albert C. Thompson
HIVcheck DuPont Co., E. Y. Laboratories Inc. J. P. Galvin, Albert E. Chu
HQ 913 Hydroloy System Hydro-Quebec Raynald Simoneau
Hydrometallurgical process for re-covering cobalt from copper ore U.S. Bureau of Mines Thomas H. Jeffers, Don C. Seidel
Image Editing Workstation Eastman Kodak Co., Kodak Federal Systems Billy E. Cates, James T. Reed
Infrared Aerosol Analyser (IAA) Argonne National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Stanley A. Johnson, Gerald T. Reedy, Romesh Kumar
Infrared Molecular Line Lanp IRmoll 1000 Spectral Sciences Inc.
Isochrom VG Isogas Ltd. P. A. Freedman
K-CAT Penwalt Corp. Roger T. Clark, D. M. Gardner
Laser Power Controllers Cambridge Research & Instrumentation Inc. Peter J. Miller
Liquid Crystal Polarizer/Isolator University of Rochester
Loria Surface Quality Analyzer Ashland Chemical Co. Stephen S. Hupp
Low Density Insulation Curly Fiber Batting XUS-13201.00L Dow Chemical Co. F. P. McCullough
Low Noise Microchannel Plate Galileo Electro Optics Corp. W. Bruce Feller, Lee M. Cooke
LPS-521 Acton Research Corp., DuPont Co., Princeton Instruments Inc. Robert D. Fancy, Roger H. French
Metallurgist-XR Model 9277 Texas Nuclear Corp.
MHP1 Harrick Scientific Corp., Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc., Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant Milan Milosevic, G. Louis Powell, Peggy J. Horton
Micropol LC Detector Ames Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Edward S. Yeung
Microwave Ashing System 300 CEM Corp.
Model 3900 Tunable Constant Wave Sapphire Laser Spectra-Physics Inc. Anthony J. Alfrey
Model 7500 Noncontact Superconductor Screening System Lake Shore Cryotronics Inc., Los Alamos National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Model FX-1000G5 Five Axis Single-Mode Fiber Alignment System Newport Corp. Reed Farrar, Bill Muller
Model HL1323TR Receptacle Laser Diode Module Hitachi Ltd. Tetsuo Kumazawa
Model LS-1 Fluorescence Lifetime Spectrometer Photon Technology International Inc. Douglas James
Model NIR-1000 Tissue Oxygenation Measuring System Hamamatsu Photonic Systems Corp., University College London Sueo Miyaki
Model PV-460 Lens Stabilizing System for Panasonic Camcorder Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. Mitsuaki Oshima
Model S101SdFFF Sedimentation Field-Flow Fractionation Apparatus FFFractionation Inc. J. Calvin Giddings, Marcus N. Myers
Models LC-0101, -0201, -0401 Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Catalysts Phillips Petroleum Co. John H. Kolts
Models MGF8001, -8002, and -8003 High Speed GaAs Prescaler Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
MPC Mark 1 Texas Research Institute Inc.
Multistage depressed collector (MDSC) klystron amplifier NASA (Lewis Research Center), Varian Associates , Earl McCune
OGC1 Partial Pressure Controller and Monitor Leybold AG (Leybold Inficon ) Carl Gogol
Optical integrated circuit Honeywell Inc., NASA (Lewis Research Center) Wayne Walters, Kul B. Bhasin
Parallel Computing Software for Scientific Problem Sandia National Laboratories (U.S. Dept. of Energy) John Gustafson, Gary Montry, Robert Benner
Perfluorosulfonic acid ionomer XUS50197.00 Dow Chemical Co. Bobby R. Ezzell
Personal Toxic Gas Alarm Model 01 U.S. Bureau of Mines C. R. Carpenter
Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscope (PSTM) Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc., Oak Ridge National Laboratory T. L. Ferrell, R. C. Reddick, R. J. Warmack
Pneumatic Manipulator for Video Probe 2000 for Borescope Models VI105, VI106 Welch Allyn Inc. Raymond A. Lia
Polimotor 234 Polimotor Inc., Rogers Corp. , Matthew Holtzberg
Polyalkylsilsesquioxane General Electric Co. (Astro Space) Martin Meder
Potassium Titanyl Phosphate Nonlinear Optical Crystals AT&T Bell Laboratories, DuPont Co., Litton Systems Inc. (Airtron)
Private Eye Reflection Technology Inc. Allen Becker
Radiant Cell Cabin Heater Alzeta Corp. Andrew C. Minden
Radium 224 Generator Argonne National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Robert W. Atcher, John J. Hines, Arnold M. Friedman
Real Time Harmonic Closed-Orbit Feedback System Brookhaven National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Reflective X-Ray Mask for Lithography Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) N. M. Ceglio, A. M. Hawryluk
Repel Gelman Sciences Inc. Ehud Shchori
Semi Insulating Single Crystal GaAs Wafers Crystal Specialties Intl. Russell E. Kremer, Gordon H. Beckhart, Dave Francomano
Silicon Fusion Bonding Process for Sensors and Microstructures NovaSensor
Simion PC/PS2 4.0 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) D. A. Dahl, J. E. Delmore, A. D. Appelhans
Sorbplus Aluminum Company of America
Spectroscopic Scanning Tunneling Microscope Solar Energy Research Institute Lawrence L. Kazmerski
Square Dish Solar Collector Power Kinetics Inc. William E. Rogers
Supernet/Linda Sandia National Laboratories (U.S. Dept. of Energy), Scientific Computing Associates, Yale University Robert Whiteside, David Gelernter, Jerrold Leichter
Tachion I Kinetic Systems Corp. J. W. Tippie
TFS Surface Analyzer Charles Evans & Associates Bruno W. Schueler
Thermal Conductivity Analyzer Holometrix Inc. (Thermatest) Karl G. Coumou
Thermochemical Enviornmental Energy System Onsite*Ofsite Inc.
Thermochemical Environmental Energy System Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories (Dept. of Energy)
Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Data Acquisition System Schmidt Instruments Inc. Howard K. Schmidt
Transmission Polarizer for Neutron Beams Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc., Oak Ridge National Laboratory H. A. Mook, J. B. Hayter
Ultracel Union Carbide Corp. Stanley L. Hager
Vector Scanning Technique NASA (Lewis Research Center) Mark P. Wernet
Z-LINK System Sheldahl Inc. Ken Gilleo, Deanna Dowdle
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994