R&D 100 Archive of Winners

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Product Organization Co-Developers
ACIMET Process Institute of Gas Technology
Actua 2100 Concept Modeler 3D Systems
ASE 200 Accelerated Solvent Extractor Dionex Corp.
ATM OC-12c Protocol Engine GigaNet Inc., Sandia National Laboratories (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Autonomous Environmental Sentinel AES Battelle Memorial Institute, Ocean Sensors
BAX System Du Pont Co. (Qualicon subsidiary) Richard Baxter
BENCHMARC Benteler Industries, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
BlackIce Applied Sciences
BSIM3v3 University of California (Berkeley) Chenming Hu
Catalyzed Electrochemical Oxidation EOSystems, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Ce:LiSAF Laser System Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy), Lightning Optical Corp.
Ceramicrete Argonne National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Arun Wagh, Dileep Singh
Core Separator LSR Technologies Leo Smolensky, S. Ronald Wysk
Corn Gluten Herbicide Iowa State University Nick Christians
Cost-effective TiB-Reinforced P/M Titanium Matrix Composite Toyota Inc. (Central R&D Lab.) Takashi Saito, Tadahiko Furuta, Hiroyuki Takamiya
Debris-Free X-Ray Source University of Central Florida (Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers)
Digital Feeder Monitor Texas A&M University (Engineering Experiment Stationn) Don Russell, Carl Benner, Michael Aucoin
Document Copying Deterrent System Lucent Technologies/Bell Laboratories Jack Brassil, Nicholas Maxemchuk, Lawrence O'Gorman
Dripless Bubbler Iowa State University David Hsu, Thadd Patton
DT211NA Acrylic Emulsion Dow Chemical Co.
Eastman AQ 1350 Eastman Chemical Co.
Electronic Dipstick Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Thomas McEwan
Empore Rad Disks 3M Co., Argonne National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy), IBC Advanced Technologies
Fiber Optic Twin Colum Technology Pressure Inductor LEL Corp.
Freewing Tilt-Body Freewing Aerial Robotics Corp., Glenn L. Martin Wind Tunnel Hugh Schmittle
Fruitrim Liquid Sugars Robert Lynch
Gas Barrier Coating PPG Industries
Gencell 101 Genase Inc., Oak Ridge National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Gobel Mirror Siemens AG
Green Fluorescent Protein Clontech Laboratories Steven Kain, Paul Kitts
High-Temperature Superconductor Fabrication Technology American Superconductor Corp. William Brockenborough
Horizon Battery Centerior Energy, Consolidated Edison Co., Edison International, Electric Power Research Institute, Electrosource Inc., Empire State Electric Energy Research Corp., Houston Lighting & Power Co., New York State Electric & Gas Co., OG&E Electric Services
Hydrospindle Hydrostatic Self-Compensating Spindle Bearing Aesop Inc., Ford Motor Co., General Motors Corp., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, Olofson Machine Tools, Setco/Whitnon
IMiG-MRI Intermagnetics General Corp., Surrey Medical Imaging Systems
IMIX-PTS System Princeton Gamma Tech
InFocus Infinity Photo-Optical Co. H. Jay Margolis
IS4000 Solder Paste Statistical Process Control System Alpha Metals, Eaton Corp., Electronic Manufacturing Productivity Facility, Marquette University, Rockwell Collins
ISOQUANT Protein Deamidation Kit Promega Corp.
Laboratory on a Chip Oak Ridge National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) J. Michael Ramsey, Stephen Jacobson
Latching Faraday Rotator Lucent Technologies/Bell Laboratories Vincent Fratello, C. David Brandle, Steven Licht
LB7671 Laser Diode Hitachi Ltd.
Liquid Multilayer/Polymer Multilayer Processes Moltech Corp., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Lithography System for Flat Panel Displays Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) M. D. Perry
Low Density Linear Polyethylene Phillips Petroleum Co. E. A. Benham, M. P. McDaniel, M. A. Smith
Low Temperature/Pressure Aerogel Process NanPore, Sandia National Laboratories (U.S. Dept. of Energy), University of New Mexico
Lynx Video Adapter BH Electronics John DeCramer
Magnetic Flux Imaging System Argonne National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy), Phase Metrics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Solid State Physics) George Crabtree
MC15U3LCG Small DC Motors Utilizing Vapor Lubricant Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. (Motor Engineering Research Laboratory)
Millimeter Wave Fabric Inspection System Argonne National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Miniature Low Cost Terabit/s Optical Amplifier Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
MIRAFLEX Fiber Owens-Corning Sandy Krezmien-Funk
MMVS100 Mercury Vapor Sensor/NMT Noncontact Micromechanical Thermometer Consultec Scientific, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Model LNCQ01PS Low Noise Red Semiconductor Laser Matsushita Electrical Industrial Co.
Model: PortaFlow-P1 Portable/In-Situ Stress Strain Microprobe System Advanced Technology Corp.
MPEG2 Real Time Video Encoder Chip Set Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Systems LSI Laboratory)
Network Access Module NAM Bell Communications Research (Bellcore) (Navesink Research and Engineering Center), Hughes Electronics Research Laboratories, Nortel Technology, Rockwell Science Center
NMT Noncontact Micromechanical Thermometer Consultec Scientific, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Optimum-Entropy Training Algorithm for the Development of Artificial Neural Networks American Welding Institute Xiaoshu Xu
Oxygen Enriched Air Staging Institute of Gas Technology Mark Khinkis, Hamid Abbasi
PADS Bell Communications Research (Bellcore), Boeing, MCNC, Nortel, North Carolina State University, University of North Carolina
PDS Powders Materials and Electrochemical Research Corp., U. S. Army Research Lab
Pegasus 2000 Zygo Corp. Peter de Groot
Personal Presence System Bell Communications Research (Bellcore) David Boyer, Michael Lukacs
PHOSter Westinghouse Electric Corp (Savannah Tech. Ctr.) Brian Looney
Photonic Electric Field Sensor IPES 2001 SRICO Inc., U. S. Army Research Laboratory (U.S. Army), University of Cincinnati
Photorefractive Liquid Crystal Optical Processor Argonne National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Gary Wiederrecht, Michael Wasielewski
Plasma Source Quistor Finnigan Corp., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Charles Douthitt, David Koppenaal, Charles Barinaga, Gregory Eiden
Plasma Window Brookhaven National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Ady Hershcovitch
PLASMAX Beta-Squared, Los Alamos National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) , Gary Selwyn
Porous Inserts Battelle Memorial Institute, Gas Research Institute
Potassium Tantalate (Niobate) Substrates Commercial Crystal Laboratories, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Michael Urbanik, Ron Feenstra, Lynn Boatner
Primaset PT Resins AlliedSignal
Pulsed Discharge Electron Capture Detector University of Houston, Valco Instruments Wayne Wentworth, Stanley Stearns
Quantox Oxide Monitoring System Keithley Instruments Inc.
ReVAP Mobil Technology Co., Phillips Petroleum
Rock Motion Detector Chalk River Laboratories, HDRK Mining Research Limited
SC-54 Iowa State University (Research Foundation) Theodore Kramer
Scalable ATM Encryptor RE/SPEC Inc., Sandia National Laboratories (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
SciFinder Software Chemical Abstract Service Randall Cain, Kirk Schwall, John Macko
Sealing Glasses Sandia National Laboratories (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Richard Brown, Larry Kovacic, Ron Stone
SEDIMAT Indian Valley Industries, New York State Electric & Gas Corp.
SEIMS Embedded Integrated Micromechanical Systems Sandia National Laboratories (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Stephen Montague
Series 2301 FT-IR Thin Film Monitor Advanced Fuel Research, On-Line Technologies , Peter Rosenthal
Series 500 Ultrasonic Fingerprint Scanner Ultra-Scan
Single Transducer Thickness-Independent Ultrasonic Imaging Method Cleveland State University, NASA (Lewis Research Center), Sonix
SixDOG Sensor Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) Charles Vann
Smart Hydrogels and Smart Lyogels Gel Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.)
Spatial Paradigm for Information Retrieval and Exploratio Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) James Wise
Speciated Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry Duquesne University Skip Kingston
Static Synchronous Compensator Electric Power Research Institute, Tennessee Valley Authority, Westinghouse Electric Corp.
Surface Enhanced Raman Gene Probe Oak Ridge National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
The Rich-burn/Lean-burn Low NOx Engine Dresser Industries (Waukesha Engine Institute), South Coast Air Quality Management District, Southern California Gas Co., Southwest Research Institute
Thin Film Rechargeable Lithium Batteries Oak Ridge National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy) John Bates, Nancy Dudney, Christopher Luck
THUNDER Actuators NASA (Langley Research Center)
TRACER Environmental Remediation ICF Kaiser Engineers, Los Alamos National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Type IE-910 and Type IE-911 UP IONSIV Ion Exchangers Sandia National Laboratories (U.S. Dept. of Energy), Texas A&M University, UOP Inc.
Ultra High Density Magnetic Sensors Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (U.S. Dept. of Energy), Read-Rite Corp. Daniel Stearns, Robert Rottmayer
VT STM Omicron Vakuumphysik GmbH Albrecht Feltz
Weather Environment Simulation Technology Southwest Research Institute Bruce Montag
WiNRADIO Rosetta Laboratories Pty Ltd. Milan Hudecek
Xenith 9000 GQA Gas Quantification Analyzer R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. (Packaging Div.)
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994